Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Quick and Easy Answer...

The Quick and Easy Answer…

When you are feeling bad, all you want is for that feeling to go away—quickly, and easily. I understand. Remember, I’ve been in these shoes.

Hence, many of you like to blame the Bowel Strength for causing your discomfort, because you really want to believe that you can stop it and all of your problems will quickly and magically disappear! Sometimes you forget that you were feeling bad for a long time prior to using this product (so what did you blame then???).

Ironically, if you live in fear of this product, your life will be more fearful as a result! If you do not heal your bowel with this product, you will spend your shortened life living in fear--over what you eat, stress, old age, disease, etc….

So let me help make this simple, and less scary, for you. In 99% of the clients I work with, the Bowel Strength is not too strong, and therefore does not cause any symptoms, for at least the first year of use. If you have not used it for at least this long and you feel bad, the odds are extremely low that you will feel better if you stop it (so don’t!)

On the contrary, if you are feeling bad, the chances are very high (99% likely) that the cause of this discomfort is that “rain is hitting your roof that has holes in it and your house is getting wet as a result.” In other words your blood has become too acidic and because your bowel is not healthy enough to eliminate these acids, you are feeling bad. Now, if you keep healing your unhealthy bowel, then, and only then will you be able to eliminate your “feeling bad” days!

I know you don’t want to believe that stress, too much fruit, too much alcohol, too much eating out, not enough sleep, your massages, your trip to the dentist, your travelling, your over-consumption of Girl Scout cookies, your lack of water, the fumes from your new paint job, or your new 2 hour a day exercise program are causing you to feel bad. I know you want to blame the Bowel Strength instead, but you can’t do this if you are going to fulfill your maximum health and weight potential. You are looking for the quick and easy answer to your problems, and while there is one (your unhealthy bowel), it cannot be quickly and easily fixed! It can be fixed, however, and you need to focus on that….

If you have been taking Bowel Strength for longer than one year and you are feeling bad and want to blame this product, call or email me so we can schedule a visit so I can help you determine if you are blaming the right thing. The difference between success and failure with this program surely lies in one’s blaming the right thing when one has problems. I have a lot of experience with this program and can make sure you are on the right track. It will be well worth your time and expense to do so. We are talking about the quantity and quality of your life, by the way! What is more important than that? (Of course, this information applies to acidophilus and probiotics as well…)

For more information on using this product correctly so that one day you can look and feel great without the need for crutches, please read Chapter 7 of This Works Crutches Don’t. If you have not already purchased this book, it can be ordered from my website at www.ThisWorksCrutchesDont.com (or from Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Noble, etc).

We are very lucky to have found this road…..

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