Thursday, June 10, 2010

Understanding Healing Symptoms

Symptoms can immediately “disappear” only when you are treating them with crutches. They do not immediately disappear when you are healing your bowel and body and getting to the cause of them. In the long run, they will disappear and stay gone effortlessly. (This is a far cry from the results you get when you simply treat them with crutches, which is inevitable failure, the development of new illnesses, and a shortened lifespan.)

When you successfully heal your bowel and body, you will experience a gradual reduction in the frequency and severity of your symptoms. (On the other hand, you are given instructions for using crutches in Chapter 10 of "This Works Crutches Don't," and these will immediately reduce your symptoms and improve your bowel movements, but do not confuse this with healing, and do not interpret this to mean that you have quickly healed your bowel and body.)

During the healing process, your body will release stored-up acidity from your cells and dump it into your organs of elimination. This is very positive and you will experience an improvement in your health and weight as a result. When you unplug the bottom of your pipe (organs of elimination), the acidity that was stuck in the middle and top will be released into the space that was just cleared away at the bottom. This is a wonderful thing that helps save your life, as trash at the top of your pipe is very harmful and undesirable. If your body can release it into your bowel because it is healthier, it will do so.
During this process, however, you may find that a symptom that was better returns again (albeit, temporarily). This can, understandably, be confusing, upsetting, and frustrating—if you do not understand the healing process, and the actual “benefit” of this response!

To understand what is happening, imagine that you have holes all over the roof of your house.; holes over the bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, tec. And imagine that there is a man on the roof fixing these holes. Let’s also say that there are many more holes over your bathroom than your kitchen, and even fewer over your bedroom. If this man fixes eight holes/day—over all of these rooms-- the bedroom will get fixed first (as it has the fewest holes over it.) Prior to fixing these holes, if it rained, your entire house got wet. Now, when it rains, your bedroom will not get wet (because the holes over it have been fixed), but now your living room and kitchen may become wetter, as a result of the rain not dripping into your bedroom. Now, as you keep this man on the roof, eventually the holes over the kitchen and living room will get fixed too, and when it rains, these rooms won’t get wet either.

But for a period of time, they do get wetter when it rains.

To relate this to this process, you may have a lot of stored acids in your kidneys, less in your pancreas, and even fewer in your arteries. As you eliminate acids from your body with this process, your arteries will heal first, then your liver, and your kidneys will heal last, as your body heals from the “top” down (review Chapter 3 for an understanding of this).

So if it “rains,” i.e. you eat more sugar, alcohol, or a more cleansing diet of more carbohydrates and/or less protein, at some point the un-eliminated acids will no longer affect your arteries and liver, but more of them will be handled by your kidneys. This can mean that all of a sudden, your blood pressure goes up, or you retain more water (weight) than you were.
This is not a negative experience. On the contrary, during these reactions, you are becoming healthier. This can be interpreted as negative when someone experiences the initial signs of improvement, and is mentally disappointed when the improvement does not continue uninterrupted.

It is only after all of the old accumulated acidity has been eliminated from an organ that a symptom may be gone forever. It is only once all of the holes in your roof have been fixed that your house will not get wet when it rains.

You are used to crutches, and this experience can cause you to wrongly interpret these reactions and fail to heal your body. When you take a drug to lower your blood pressure, for example, and it does just that, you would rightly be concerned if at some point your blood pressure became elevated again while taking it. The medication is treating the symptom of high blood pressure and the return of that symptom means the drug may not be working anymore and may need to be increased. Your crutch is failing you.

During this process, the re-appearance of a symptom does not mean that the process is not working. Keep taking Bowel Strength or acidophilus and bentonite, and you will “move past this” onto even better health, and fewer symptoms.
Or, if you do not like your kitchen getter wetter, make sure you have a large tarp over your roof. If you do not like these reactions, make sure your stools are well-formed, that you are taking your bentonite correctly, and that you are not eating too little protein, too much fruit, or too many carbohydrates, just yet.

This is a very difficult concept to explain; yet it is a very important one to understand. Hence, I strongly urge you to watch my video, “Understanding Healing Symptoms,” available at (found by typing my name, Donna Pessin, into the search field).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Top 10 Tips for YOUR Success!

1. Do not start this program without reading my ENTIRE book, "This Works, Crutches Don't," first (or consulting with me directly). And throughout this process, re-read Chapters 6-10 many times. If you don't have the time or the desire to read, contact me for an appointment if you get lost. It is very easy to get lost, as healing your body is perhaps the most complex--and yet definitely the most rewarding and valuable!--thing you will ever do.

2. Watch my videos. Videos that visually explain the main concepts of this program are available and can be accessed through, by typing my name, Donna Pessin, into the search field.

3. Join my mailing list for more support, specials on Bowel Strength, probiotics, bentonite, and other supplements, and notifications of new videos. You can sign up through my website or by emailing me at and putting “Sign me up” in the subject heading.

4. Invest in your health and happiness. The time and money you spend on this program is limited and will be significantly less than the time and money you will spend, and have already spent, on crutches.

5. Expect to get lost/frustrated/confused and/or scared. This program does not simply heall your bowel and body and eliminate your symptoms, illness, addictions, and weight struggles. Bowel Strength or probiotics, and bentonite can only do this if they are used correctly. Take the time to review the information and instructions in my book so that they are.
This is a complex process, but it is more than worth it. What you do when you are faced with fears, misunderstandings, and frustrations will determine your success. Do you run away, or resolve to fight? Only the fighters will succeed.

6. Be patient. I am never concerned about the physical condition a client is in as far as my ability to help them reverse this and heal their body; this is not limiting, except in the most imminent, life-threatening cases. The limitations in healing your bowel and body are almost entirely due to your emotional state of mind. Healing requires patience, faith, forgiveness, hard work, support, and gratitude. Finding the purpose in your current situation is also very helpful.We are very lucky to have found this road.If you do not give this program at least one measly little year to show you that it works, (nothing, compared to the decades that most of you have had unhealthy bowels and bodies!, and nothing compared to the decades you will spend with short term success but inevitable failure if you follow the crutch approaches), you will never succeed in attaining a symptom-free, addiction-free, disease-free body, free of weight struggles and obsessions. Of this I am certain. In fact, I would not blame calories, stress, genetics, laziness, carbs, or even an unhealthy bowel and body as the number one cause of obesity and death in this country—I would definitely say it is due to impatience,

7. Use crutches, because while they do not heal your body, they will help give you the patience needed to heal!
Taking an aggressive amount of Bowel Strength (or probiotics, like acidophilus), and using bentonite, is a necessity for achieving a healthy, symptom-free, addiction-free, long-living and thin body. But your bowel is home to 100 trillion bacteria, and recreating this beyond-enormous environment takes time. And eliminating billions of stored acids form you body takes a long time as well. Hence, very few of you will succeed in accomplishing this feat if you do not use crutches along the way.
Those of you who do or have used the crutches I recommend in Chapter 10 of “This Works, Crutches Don’t” have found a significant and immediate reduction in headaches, aches and pains, sugar cravings, bad Pap smears, and PMS. You have seen your skin look better right away, your energy increase, your stools dramatically improve, and your weight go down. You have begun sleeping through the night. You have gotten pregnant immediately, felt great during your pregnancy, and given birth to healthy babies. You have seen your blood tests improve, reduced fatigue and depression, and seen your cravings for alcohol, drugs, and sugar go down.

8. Don’t blame Bowel Strength, probitoics, or bentonite for your problems. In 99% of the clients I work with, the Bowel Strength or probiotics and bentonite are not too strong, and therefore do not cause any symptoms, for at least the first year of use. If you have been taking Bowel Strength or probiotics and bentonite for longer than one year and you are feeling bad and want to blame these products, call or email me so we can schedule a visit so I can help you determine if you are blaming the right thing. The difference between success and failure with this program surely lies in one’s blaming the right thing when one has problems

9. Forgive yourself. You have fallen for the quick and easy answer many times (we ALL have!). Some of you may be very angry and bitter that you were led down the wrong road, but ultimately, you made the decision to follow this road. Now, you must forgive yourself for doing so. You must decide how you are going to move forward: will you get stuck in your anger and bitterness (in which case you will never find your true health and weight potential)), or will you forgive yourself, and others, and be grateful that you have a chance to make a better decision for yourself this time, and create a better future for yourself as well?

10. If you are not getting the results that you should, this program is not failing you. You are simply lost. If this is you, contact me at to schedule an appointment so I can help you attain the success that is possible with this program, and that you deserve.