Saturday, February 27, 2010

Top 3 Bowel Health Concepts

(An understanding of which will help you eliminate your symptoms, illness, weight struggles, and addictions.)

1. You inherited an unhealthy bowel bacterial environment. Thankfully, this can—and must—be changed!

…and as the generations go on, it keeps getting worse! As a woman, you “give” some of your good bacteria to your baby. If you had 50 trillion to begin with, you may pass on 25 trillion onto your child, and then when they have a child, they have even less to pass onto theirs, and so on and so on. They pass on 12 trillion, for example, and then their children only get 6 trillion—you get the picture? Pretty soon we will be extinct! You cannot live without a healthy bacterial environment. Once these levels get really low, you will not be able to reproduce anyway (nature’s way of protecting itself). Even modern medicine and infertility treatments can only do so much to force this to happen.

In other words, your age, or size, has absolutely nothing to do with how healthy your bowel is, or how long it will take to heal it. In fact, most of my teenage and younger clients have much less healthy bowels than their parents, and need more Bowel Strength or acidophilus to heal their bowel, not less! If you have kids, get them started on these products now. If you do not, the chance is extremely high that they will suffer from symptoms, disease, addictions, and weight struggles much earlier than you did. The statistics show this is already happening—cancer, obesity, headaches, diabetes, etc are occurring at the youngest ages in the recorded health history of mankind.

2. You should have 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) good bacteria in your bowel. That is an extremely large number, and it will take some time to create this!

100 trillion seconds is 31,688 years. If you stacked 100 trillion $100 bills it would weigh 2,200 million pounds. This is an inconceivable number. You should be absolutely astonished, and extremely appreciative, that this can be rebuilt and created at all! So when I say that it will take several years to create this, understand why this is so.

And never, ever, ever, fall for anyone or any product that claims to be able to recreate 100 trillion bacteria in your bowel “overnight.” There are plenty of people out there trying to sell you this quick fix, and yet it is only they who will benefit, and profit, from your falling for it.

3. For 99% of you, 12 Bowel Strength/day will not cause symptoms, weight problems, or bowel problems for at least one year or longer after starting it.

So if you do experience symptoms or weight problems during this program, consider that there is a 99% chance that these are occurring because your bowel is unhealthy. While you are healing it, it is not healed yet. Just because you are fixing the holes on your roof does not mean your house will not get wet when it rains—it will. You have to spend some time and fix a lot of holes before your house remains dry in the face of extra rain. In other words, it will take some time before you can eat more salt, sugar, alcohol, get less sleep, endure more stress, etc before these do not affect you.

Or, these are occurring because you ignored the strong and repeated advice in my book about reducing your protein intake too quickly, especially animal proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, beef. etc.

Re-read Chapter 8 of “This Works, Crutches Don’t” for a better understanding of what is causing your symptoms or weight problems while you heal.

If you have been ill for more than a few years, you have struggled with your weight for many years, you have IBS, colitis, Chron’s, hemorrhoids, polyps, lactose or gluten allergies, a history of frequent but poorly formed stools, you eat a low carb diet and still don’t look or feel good—you have a very unhealthy bowel and will very likely be able to take 12 B.S./day for 2-3 years, easily, before it causes you problems! It does not mean that you have to take it for this long—you do not have to make your bowel extremely healthy to reap huge benefits from this program. You can “fix” it halfway and be thousands of miles healthier than on day one, but it does mean that you cannot blame it (the Bowel Strength) for causing your problems before then….

Monday, February 15, 2010

Constipation Remedies That Will Make You Look and Feel Worse!

When you are constipated, there is great temptation to increase the frequency of your elimination—with complete disregard of the form of your stools. Remember, when you have infrequent or hard stools, you are eliminating more fat-causing, disease-causing, symptom-causing, addiction-causing, and bad-blood-test causing acids from your body than when your elimination is frequent but your stools are too skinny, mushy, or loose.

As you will recall from the explanation in Chapter Six of “This Works, Crutches Don’t:,” frequent but poorly formed stools are caused by an excess of unformed acids in your bowel (which also means a lot of re-absorbed acids in your body!) And remember, when you are constipated, there are fewer unformed acids in your bowel, and fewer reabsorbed into your body (i.e. you look and feel better.)

When you eat prunes, prune juice, fruit juice, or any other food or beverage that stimulates more frequent elimination, this is occurring because these foods/beverages are cleansing—they cause more acids to move into your bowel, thereby increasing the irritation to it (it increases the number of unformed acids in your bowel—this is NOT your goal!!!). This increases the frequency of your elimination, but it also increases your weight, symptoms, addictions, etc.

When you overreact to constipation, it usually backfires on you. You usually think you will look and feel better when you react to this state, but when you use a cleansing food like fruit juice or prunes to accomplish this, you will look and feel worse.

On the other hand, laxatives like senna, cascara sagrada, and aloe simply cause your bowel to contract more intensely, and your elimination becomes more frequent as well—but because this is increased frequency is not caused by an increase in acids in your bowel, these remedies do not cause the symptoms, weight gain, etc that the ones described above do. At the same time, these remedies also do absolutely nothing to increase the elimination of weight-causing, symptom-causing, disease-causing, etc acids from your body. Finally, it is common for ones stools to become loose during the use of these products and one’s stomach to feel crampy, contributing to their lack of appeal (and by the way, if you do use one of these products and your stools become loose, this is not directly caused by the laxative, rather, it is confirmation that not enough acids were formed in your bowel, and that more bentonite—not less, as many of you are tempted to conclude! —will help eliminate your constipation problems).

If you are constipated, the best solution—the one that will help you look and feel better—is to change the amount of bentonite you are taking. Unlike the fruit which will make you look and feel worse, and unlike the laxatives like senna that will not make you look or feel worse, but do not help you eliminate more acids and so cannot make you look or feel better (aside from the relief of constipation)—bentonite increases the absorption of acids in your bowel, which improves the frequency of your elimination, while also helping you look and feel better at the same time!

Re-read pages 232-234 of my book, “This Works, Crutches Don’t,” for instructions on using bentonite correctly. When done so, you will seldom experience constipation and you will accelerate the elimination of acids from your body and the healing of it—leading to a permanently thin, symptom-free, addiction-free, long-living body and ideal blood test results!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stop Freaking Out About Constipation!

When you are constipated---not eliminating daily, or going daily but with hard, small stools—you are eliminating more weight-causing, disease-causing, symptom-causing, and addiction-causing acids than when you go daily with stools that are (some or all of them) too skinny, loose, mushy, or flakey.

Un-formed acids in your bowel mean un-eliminated acids from your body. Un-eliminated acids lead to weight gain, symptoms, disease, and addictions.

Every day, your bowel automatically “squeezes” (an action called peristalsis), in an attempt to eliminate the waste stored within. If all of the acids are formed into a stool they will be eliminated when your bowel squeezes, and your stools will look perfect. You will also be eliminating all of the acids that lead to weight gain, disease, symptoms, and addictions.

When you eliminate every day but your stools are skinny, mushy, flakey or loose, very little of the acids in your bowel are eliminated. In this state, the reason you go every day is because a lot of unformed acids in your bowel irritate it, like a laxative This irritation causes your bowel to squeeze more aggressively in an attempt to eliminate this irritation (these excess unformed acids). Your body also sends some water into your bowel to try to dilute these acids, again protecting you. But at the same time, most of these acids have been reabsorbed into your body, leading to weight gain, disease, symptoms, and addictions.

Finally, when you are constipated, there are fewer unformed acids, which means your bowel is not irritated or freaked out about them and therefore, your bowel does not squeeze so aggressively, But the stools are also not large enough to eliminate easily when your bowel squeezes.

Formed acids in your bowel do not get reabsorbed; only the unformed acids do. So if you are constipated, you are not helping to eliminate more acids by forcing yourself to go, or using a laxative to go, either.

Time and time again, I see clients who go through this “constipated” state, and when they do, they are losing weight!, having less headaches and other aches and pains!, craving less sugar!, seeing better blood test results!, have more energy!, and on and on and on……(and just the other day, as I was explaining to a client why daily, not well-formed stools contribute to infertility, she had an “ah ha moment” as she stated that her sister, who has two children and has not had infertility problems, is constipated—while she, struggling with infertility, has frequent, loosely formed stools!!)

If you previously had daily but not 100% well-formed stools with every elimination and you have hit this constipation stage too, rejoice. You are on your way! Perfect elimination is extremely difficult to attain, but this state is certainly a big step in the right direction (unless your constipation is caused by surgery, travel, medications, etc…)

For a more detailed description of this concept, review pages 152-156 of my book, “This Works, Crutches Don’t,” as well as the other references to constipation discussed in my book (which can easily be located using my new index, available for download from the front page (left hand column) of my website,

Finally, if you are experiencing constipation and are scared, uncomfortable, or concerned about this, see the “Scheduling” page of my website at and schedule an appointment so I can help you attain success with this program.